Welcome to the Foster City Lions Club. Join us for an evening of sharing, learning and camaraderie every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 6:00pm with dinner starting promptly at 7:00pm. We meet at BJ's Restaurant on 2206 Bridgepointe Pkwy. Please contact us to RSVP for meal arrangements. Discover how you can make a difference in Foster City and the world around you.
Click here to order tickets for the March 14th Crab Feed Fundraiser.
Who We Are
- There are over 35 members from all walks of life — accountants, contractors, engineers, retirees, small business owners and teachers — in the Foster City Lions Club.
- All share a common goal — make our community a better place to live through personal involvement.
- Our club is but one of over 48,000 clubs in every corner of the globe grouped under the International Association of Lions Clubs.
- Chartered in 1967, the Foster City Lions Club has been a vital force in the development and growth of our community for 57 years.
Our Objectives
- Create and foster a spirit of understanding among peoples of the world.
- Encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward.
- Take an active interest in the civic, cultural, social and moral welfare of the community.

Our Activities
- We have numerous projects and events that we sponsor or participate in throughout the year. Work as many of the projects as you feel comfortable.
- Many of the Lions Club activities and projects involve the whole family. All families are welcome to participate.
- We have social activities such as the annual club picnic and holiday party.
Being a Member
- Membership brings you in contact with others in the community like yourself who have a willingness to serve.
- Share the good, friendly, warm fellowship and social activities of the Lions Club with your family.
- Contribute to whichever activity you are interested in. Bring to the attention of our membership a community project that you have been active in or wish to create in the club.
- Experience the rewards and satisfaction of having a personal hand in the betterment of your community — the singlemost important aspect of this worldwide organization.
Sight Projects

- Eyeglass Recycling
- Sight Conservation
- Blind Veterans Association
- Blind Babies Foundation
- Canine Companions for Independence
- Guide Dogs of the Desert
- Guide Dogs Calendar Sales
- Guest Speakers Series
Fundraising Projects

- July 4th Celebration
- Summer Concerts Series
- Summer Days
- Head of the Lagoon Regatta
- Annual Garage Sale
- White Cane Bingo
- MLK Day of Service
- Pancake Breakfast
- Police & Fire Bingo Spaghetti
- Crab Feed
Community Activities
Throughout the year, the Foster City Lions Club plans numerous holiday-related events as well as participates in activities that touch many lives.
- Blood Drives — Bimonthly
- Flag Day
- Police & Fire Recognition Awards
- Family Overnighter Leo Ryan Park
- Student Speakers Contest
- Halloween Festival
- Rebuilding Together
- Eyeglass & Hearing Aid Collection
- Foster City Little League Hit-a-thon
- AYSO Kick-a-thon
- Rise Against Hunger
- Special Olympics
Donation Recipients
The Foster City Lions Club donate funds directly to organizations that provide charitable services, boost athletic programs, maintain public safety and promote the arts.

- Blind Veterans Association
- Blind Babies Foundation
- Bowditch Middle School Drama Boosters
- Canine Companions for Independence
- Commission on Disabilities
- CORA (Battered Women Shelter)
- College Scholarships
- Ear of the Lion Foundation
- Fire Safety Poster Contest
- Foster City Boys Scouts
- Foster City Girl Scouts
- Foster City Chorus
- Foster City Elementary Schools
- Foster City Fire Department
- Foster City Library
- Foster City Police Department
- Foster City Village
- Grace House, Cambodia
- Guide Dogs of the Desert
- Hillsdale High School Drama Boosters
- Hillbarn Theatre
- Humane Society
- Lions Eye Foundation
- Lions Wilderness Camp for the Deaf in Roseville, CA
- Lucile Packard Children's Fund
- Mission Hospice
- Our Common Ground
- Puente De La Costa Sur
- Samaritan House
- San Mateo-Foster City Education Foundation
- San Mateo High School Drama Boosters
- San Mateo High School Music Boosters
- Sight Conservation
- Special Olympics
- St. Anthony's Dining Room
- StarVista, San Mateo County
- Student Speaker Contest
- Tanforan Memorial
- Veterans Projects
Past Major Projects
Past major projects that have help shaped the landscape of Foster City include:- Foster City's First Ball Field
- Sea Cloud Park Construction First Donor
- Sea Cloud Park Equipment Storage Building
- Community Signboards
- Edgewater Park Tree Planting
- Levee Benches and Beautification
- Leo Ryan Park Par Course and Stage
- Audubon School Playground Equipment
- Aububon School Lunch Court Umbrellas
- Recreation Center Landscaping
- Recreation Center Flagpole
- Hillbarn Theatre Bar
- Hillbarn Theatre Fire Safety Upgrades
- Boat Park Improvements
- Destination Park Outdoor Fitness Equipment
- Shorebird Park Landscaping
- Shorebird Park Shade Structure
The Leo Club of Hillsdale High School is a community service organization sponsored by the Foster City Lions Club.
The goals of the Leo Club are:
- To serve our school and community
- To train young leaders and volunteers
- To raise funds for local and national charities

By the time Foster City itself was incorporated in 1971, the Foster City Lions Club was already actively serving the community. Twenty-two charter members convened in 1967 for the club's first meeting. Some of the early projects included the Christmas tree lot and 4th of July fundraisers. In 1986, the club was further strengthened when it merged with the women's auxiliary membership. Through more than five decades of service, the Foster City Lions Club has left an indelible mark on the city, including the city's first baseball diamond, numerous blood drives and unwavering support for local schools, police and fire departments.Former and current city leaders have been members of the Foster City Lions Club, including:
- Wayne McFadden, first mayor of Foster City
- Bill Walker, mayor
- Roger Chinn, mayor
- Tom Battaglia, mayor
- Paul Nelson, mayor
- Peter Gilbert, mayor
- Linda Koelling, mayor
- Ron Cox, mayor
- Art Kiesel, mayor
- Jon Froomin, mayor
- Patrick Sullivan, mayor
- Phyllis Moore, school board member
- Joe Pierucci, police chief
Past Presidents
- Gordon Penfold: 1967
- Chuck Archer: 1967-68
- Ken Elder: 1968-69
- Gary Lee: 1969-70
- Michael Mooney: 1970-71
- Wayne Bershaw: 1971-72
- Roger Chinn: 1972-73
- Mike Hewitt: 1973-74
- Carl Dittmar: 1974-75
- Tom Battaglia: 1975-76
- John Prothro: 1976-77
- Alan McIntosh: 1977-78
- Donald Aron: 1978-79
- Jim Stephens: 1979-80
- Dick Lawhead: 1980-81
- Paul Nelson: 1981-82
- Marty Strauss: 1982-83
- Jerry Boettcher: 1983-84
- Andy Parks: 1984-85
- Mal Stowell: 1985-86
- Lynn Dreeszen: 1986-87
- Harry Koustik: 1987-88
- Tim Collins: 1988-89
- Bob Martin: 1989-90
- Ray Rosenthal: 1990-91
- Dave Stevenson: 1991-92
- Morris Houck: 1992-93
- Richard Lee: 1993-94
- Herman Jew: 1994-95
- Kris Bakshi: 1995-96
- Woody Andrews: 1996-97
- Al Jacobsen: 1997-98
- Fred Sommer: 1998-99
- Fabiola Suwanto: 1999-2000
- Fred Kelley: 2000-01
- Sam Lerner: 2001-02
- Kurt Tollefson: 2002-03
- Mark Olivier: 2003-04
- Janis Kiesel: 2004-05
- Carolyn Cox: 2005-06
- Lucy Tan: 2006-07
- Jon Froomin: 2007-08
- Art Kiesel: 2008-09
- Phyllis Moore: 2009-10
- Eleanor Britter: 2010-11
- Ron Cox: 2011
- Mary True: 2011-12
- Martha Sandy: 2012-13
- John Miller: 2013-14
- Amor Traceski: 2014-15
- Ilan Rosenthal: 2015-16
- Shikha Hamilton: 2016-17
- Patrick Sullivan: 2017-18
- Pierre Morrison: 2018-19
- Jimmy Ness: 2019-20
- Charles Obgurn: 2020-21
- David Melchner: 2021-22
- Wing Yu: 2022-24
Past Lions of the Year
- Mike Mooney: 1967-68
- Wayne Bershaw: 1968-69
- Roger Chinn: 1969-70
- Ralph Lomele: 1970-71
- George Menzoian: 1971-72
- Jerry Calhoun: 1972-73
- Tom Battaglia: 1973-74
- Mike Hewett: 1974-75
- Lynn Conley: 1975-76
- Al Jacobsen: 1976-77
- Carl Dittmar: 1977-78
- Marty Strauss: 1978-79
- Dave Stevenson: 1979-80
- Franz Lorist: 1980-81
- Dick Lawhead: 1981-82
- Paul Nelson: 1982-83
- Mal Stowell: 1983-84
- John DeSanto: 1984-85
- Tim Collins: 1985-86
- Harry Koustik: 1986-87
- Ray Rosenthal: 1987-88
- Frank Schwarb: 1988-89
- Lynn Dreeszen: 1989-90
- Jim Stephens: 1990-91
- Eydie Kelson: 1991-92
- Ron Cox: 1992-93
- Ed Lum: 1993-94
- Barry LeBendig: 1994-95
- Ed Beck & Bob Larson: 1995-96
- Fred Sommer: 1996-97
- Woody Andrews: 1997-98
- Karen Abolt: 1998-99
- Fabiola Suwanto: 1999-2000
- Kurt Tollefson: 2000-01
- Janis Kiesel: 2001-02
- Kris Bakshi: 2002-03
- Carolyn Cox: 2003-04
- Lucy Tan & Jon Froomin: 2004-05
- Fred Kelley: 2005-06
- Art Kiesel: 2006-07
- Susan Merport & Mary True: 2007-08
- Barbara Bergero: 2008-09
- Stephen Moore: 2009-10
- Wendal Quan: 2010-11
- Rich Lee: 2011-12
- Jody Johnson: 2012-13
- Joan Smith: 2013-14
- Martha Sandy: 2014-15
- Doug Crom: 2015-16
- Ilan Rosenthal: 2016-17
- Chuck Ogburn & John Miller: 2017-18
- Jeanne Gallagher: 2018-19
- Jim Traceski: 2019-20
- Shikha Hamilton: 2020-21
- Wing Yu: 2021-22
- Marsha Kliewer: 2023-24

Jim Traceski

1st Vice President
Ray Rosenthal

2nd Vice President
Art Kiesel

Past President
Wing Yu
Admin Treasurer | Jody Johnson |
Activities Treasurer | Jeanne Gallagher |
Secretary | Wing Yu |
Bulletin Editor | Karen Abolt |
Service Chairperson | Chuck Ogburn |
Membership Chairperson | Mary True |
Program Coordinator | Lucy Tan |
Marketing Coordinator | Michael Adam |
Lion Tamer | Wendal Quan |
Tail Twister | Isabel Medina | Directors |
Marsha Kliewer Daryl Devincenzi Rich Lee |